


  • 1.アレルギー対応はご予約での対応を基本とさせていただきます。
  • 2.アレルゲン対応の調理・盛り付けは、他のメニューと同一の厨房、調理器具を使用して行いますので、空中飛散・微量混入などを完全に防止することができません。
  • 3.アレルゲン情報は、使用原材料及び製造会社等からの原材料情報(食品表示)を基にご案内いたします。
  • 4.安全なお料理、お飲み物の提供が困難な場合、並びに重篤な症状をお持ちのお客様にはやむを得ずお料理の提供をお断りさせていただく場合がございます。

Basic Policy
for Customers
with Food Allergies

At our hotel, we put the safety of our guests first, so that you can enjoy your meal. We will do our best to accommodate food allergies.

  • 1.If you have any allergies, we ask that you please make a reservation and inform us of your details prior to your visit. Therefore, we ask that you understand if we receive your request on the day of your arrival without prior notice, we may have to refuse your request based on the safety considerations.
  • 2.Allergen-free food and beverages are handled in the same kitchen and may share cookware and equipment with a variety of other foods and ingredients. Due to the risk of cross-contact, we are unable to completely prevent contamination with trace amounts of an allergen.
  • 3.The allergen information we use is based on the ingredient information (food labeling) of the ingredients used and from their manufacturers, etc.
  • 4.In instances where it may become difficult to provide safe food and beverages to a guest, or if symptoms are too severe, we may have no other choice but to decline service to that guest.
RIHGA Royal Hotel Kyoto
General Manager